Thursday 2 September 2010

Usaa's Video Corner! 26 ~So C-ute

Have you ever seen Gaki no Tsukai? If you haven't then please go watch it! basically it's about 4 or 5 crazy funny presenters have to not laugh for 24 hours in different situations
if you have then you should known the Downtown duo Matsumoto and Hamada!

Now here's a video with Downtown aand C-ute, what's not to love? xD
they are the best presenters honto ni


  1. Turtle step-ins! <333 Love turtles!
    This video made me realise how much I loved the young C-ute songs too xD i think i've seen those presenters too before..? xD

  2. Usaa
    xDD yes silly Erika <3
    yea I think i'm going to watch the pvs again xD
    they're quite famous
