Monday 11 October 2010

Translations: C-ute's Blog- THE remaining 3 days

℃-ute 公式ブログ/THE 残り3日 画像1

℃-ute 公式ブログ/THE 残り3日 画像2℃-ute 公式ブログ/THE 残り3日 画像3Otsukareeraisu ♥♥
Today we did musical training :3 ♥
Today we did a run through too but ♥ヮ♥
We were a bit more
composed than before >_<'' ♥
But absolutely before the real thing starts
I think we'll not be
half nervous!
This is b-b-b-baad
This is baaaaaad~ O_O
But this is the first time
for everyone in C-ute
doing a musical so
we'll do our best (^-^)b

Today, Nakkii told something
amazing to me ^ヮ^!!!!!!
Nakkii pretty much does have
beauty spots strangely around her chin but
when you connect them together
somehow you can make a star!!!
Nakkii told me
that today *laughs*
I seriously took this
amazingly well ^ヮ^!
That kind of talk
is what I had with Nakkii today >w< ♥
Everyone too, please
try connecting it together ♥ *laughs*

As for today's dinner
it's been a while but
we went out to eattt ♥
It's really been a while (^ヮ^)b
Gyukaku ice cream was delicious (^-^)b

Well then well then bai bai saa ♥


Eh!? I never noticed that haha...I thought Nakkii had only two moles on her right side of her face. Maybe they always brighten the lighting/photoshop so you can't see the other three haha 9/TEN-Risu

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