Monday 28 June 2010

Usaa's Video Corner! 13 ~Reina, kowai?

It's been a while! Gomen! Demo daijoubu I shall make up for the lost corners..xD
starting with Reina~

I never thought she was scary, maybe she looked a bit moody? like I first saw her in First Kiss, but I always liked her voice even though I didn't like her much when I first knew abou ther
but that's changed now^^

Aiya Smileage watch what you say...
Watch HERE

REINYA! I can't not type that automatically.
When I first saw her I thought: Woaaah she looks like a Yankee
and it turns out that's exactly her image...

Poor S/mileage though? They should of refrained from answering that question hahaha

1 comment:

  1. kowai reina ><
    but i like when she was begging
    she gave scary look in the end.
    really suit as tsunade from naruto manga.
