Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Morning Musume - 9th Gen Image Colours

Fukumura Mizuki - Pink
Ikuta Erina - Purple
Sayashi Riho - Red
Suzuki Kanon - Green

Isn't it going to be confusing with Sayumi and Mizuki both being pink? They'll be different shades but still
and I thought Ai was red..xD; shows how much I know about Momusu's colours
with Suzuki and Green, it reminds me of KappAiri even more xD;
had to be green hadn't it, they just like messing with our minds xD


  1. erina is more like dark pink though so its ok~ ^w^
    and nooope, aichan is gold/yellow! :D
    Yasshi suits red a lot though I think *_* also because it was Koharun's colour and she was the miracle member, and well, i believe Yasshi is the next miracle/ace member. xD

    (oh, and Erina is dark purple btw, because Mittsi is purple/light purple :3)

  2. The green power is strong in UFA xD
