Friday, 1 April 2011

Translations: Risu's Blog- Hmmm -Risu 1/4/11

 Hey everyone! It's RisuTEN~
How are you all today?

So like.. I decided to make this my own blog
because who's more interesting than Risu? ;D

Like...I had a maths test today..OH MY GOD so hard. What da FU- is Logarithms honestly. I had Japanese too where my teacher jumbled up hiragana and I had to find the missing words. Did not work. *failed* ^ヮ^;
Then I had break... then Art..Ict... lunch... Art... yes! ^ヮ^;

My life is so interesting OHOHOHOO~ ♥ヮ♥

So I wondered what should I have for dinner tonight huh? (picture 1)

and then I decided... I'm going to have beef (picture 2) YUM ♥ヮ♥

It was tasty ♥ヮ♥

You know what else is yum?

Nakayan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From OJI48 god.... he's so coool!! Rabu rabu honestly!!

-Risu ruru-

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