Thursday, 10 February 2011

Translations: C-ute's Blog- ♥ Mai-chan, Maimi-chan (Airi) 8/2/11

℃-ute 公式ブログ/舞ちゃん、舞美ちゃん( あいり 画像1℃-ute 公式ブログ/舞ちゃん、舞美ちゃん( あいり 画像2℃-ute 公式ブログ/舞ちゃん、舞美ちゃん( あいり 画像3Good evening ♥
It's Suzuki Airi ;)

It's Mai-chan and Maimi-chan's birthday ♥♥♥

Mai-chan is 15 years old ^ヮ^
when she speaks
she never stops speaking, so much
that it's fun ^ヮ^ ♥
She's younger than me but
I haven't had much experience like an adult,
so much that
she doesn't come to me for advice

"What's happened?? ^ヮ^"

she'd notice so
I get surprised but
I get super happy...^ヮ^ ♥

Thanks... ♥

It'd be cute if you could show your weak side to me
once in a while ^ヮ^

Hey that's because you don't really cry much so
Uwaan >_<
it'd be so cute if you cried once in a while
I want to be like "there there" *laughs* ♥

Maimi-chan turned 19 years old ♥

The never-changing spontaneous Maimi-chan...
You're spontaneous but
you look after the members well ♥

You never show your own worries and such at all
Surely, more than others
I feel you go out to take care of others instead but

Lately you mail me a lot but ^ヮ^
At those times
when you tell me what you real intentions are
I get happy ♥♥♥ ;)

Because I want to support you ;)

Furthermore, after you made a promise with me
when we went on the trip to Hokkaido...

I feel we've become closer ^ヮ^

These two people....
I'll continue to love you!! ♥ヮ♥

Really, happy birthday ♥♥♥

And today, I went to an event
with Buono! at "i PRESS CAFE" ♥

It was fun ♥♥♥

The shop was covered all over with Buono! excitement <- *laughs*

Ah, also!
I did my 100 English words contest! ^ヮ^ ♥

I used my free time
at the last moment,
I memorized all 100 words somehow ♥

I don't know my marks yet but
I have no regrets!

This time
it was focused on the words
you'd use for your University entrance exam
It was hard >_< ♥

1.Maki chirasu= scatter
2. Oikakeru= chase

I remembered them by moving
it was somewhat fun ^ヮ^

I have art ♥♥♥

I'll do my best! ♥

Well then (♥ヮ♥)
Goodnight ♥♥♥


I think I was laughing the whole way throughout her messages to Mai and Maimi... Airi...why do you sound so suspiciously sleazy!?? hahaha!!!! Of course that's not really your intentions (I don't think) but it made me laugh .. maybe I'm just being silly and I'm the only one who thought of this when reading it kyahahaha~

No no..I was just kidding. I know she's just being very caring. I wouldn't have expected many members to turn to Airi for advice maybe...she seems so happy go lucky all the time that it almost seems like she never worries but that can't be true of course. Anyway I'm glad she memorized her 100 words!! 10/TEN-Risu


  1. lol no airi indeed is really dorky xD LOL

    she wants maimai to cry so she can act caring towards her xD LOL

    im curious to what maimi told airi D LOL

    airi is definitily still a kid xD though she wants to grow up fast..

    on stage shes REALLY mature though :) really cool

  2. i love reading airi's kind words for maimi-chan!

    and that "promise" from maimi to airi... could it have been a marriage proposal?! <3
    i know, i'm bad... but YajiSuzu rabu rabu is just so awesome! ^_^"

  3. Airi totally does make a transition from herself normally until on the stage! Apart from the MCs maybe hehe. Airi is totally dorky and I love it~

    and I don't blame you.. lots of people love the Yajima x Suzuki pairing xD -Risu
