Monday, 30 August 2010

Translations: C-ute's 667th Blog Entry

℃-ute 公式ブログ/やっぱライブだねえ 画像1℃-ute 公式ブログ/やっぱライブだねえ 画像2It's the live afterall ^ヮ^ ♥Otsukareeraisu :3 ♥
Today we had the live
at Zama (^o^)/
It was incredibly fun ^ヮ^
On top of that I really
do feel like I love the
fans afterall ^ヮ^ ♥
Nacchan was sitting out
during the performance but
I look forward to seeing
a lively Nakkii dancing again ♥ヮ♥
So I'm waiting (^o^ゞ
I took a pitcure with that NakaSaki!!
Kyuuut ♥♥♥♥

Hmm I want to do another live
quicklyy ^ヮ^ ♥
The lives are the best (^3^)/
But to be frank I'll absolutely
lose weight right!? ^ヮ^; ♥
Well I might lose my healthy-ness right? ^ヮ^!

On top of that listen ☻
Today's dinner was
Otsukareeraisu! ♥ヮ♥
I was hyped up ^ヮ^

(In case you forgot: Karee raisu means Curry Rice and Mai always combines Otsukare- thanks for the hard work, with Karee raisu, curry rice!)

And so I've gotten muscle ache *laughs*
Well this is the evidence
that I was hyped up
with all of you guys *laughs*
Well a number of times
I get clumsy there
The next song!! ....Eh am I wrong? *laughs* It's not like that, I'll sleep ^ヮ^

Bai bai saa~ ♥


Ahhh otsukareeraisu!! 7/TEN -Risu

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