Thursday, 5 August 2010

Translations: C-ute's 481st Blog Entry

℃-ute 公式ブログ/ガリガリ君( あいり) 画像1♥ Gari-gari-kun ♥ヮ♥ (Airi)

Hey there ♥
It's Suzuki Airi ^ヮ^

Today it's hot isn't it ♥ヮ♥

It's really hot isn't it!! T-T ♥

I'm just standing but I'm sweating... (-3-)

There isn't a cooler
in my room even so, *laughs*
The AC-chan
has done it's best for us but...^ヮ^;

When I carelessly fall asleep 

When I wake up, I feel 
extremely sticky...T-T ♥

It's not at all cool XoX *laughs*

..........With that ♥
Today I went to the conveniance store
and bought a Gari-gari-kun ♥ヮ♥ *laughs*

This flavour
is my favourite ♥♥♥

Gari-gari-kun rich
Chocolate chip!!!! 

It's spherical and tasty ^ヮ^

The milk flavour is delicious too but
Today is the season of Chocolat Chip ^ヮ^!!

Those who haven't eaten it yet 
Definitely please try it out ^ヮ^

Alright, Suzuki Airi
is going to the rehear for Buono! today ♥

I'll do my beeest ♥ (♥ヮ♥)


I wanna try Gari gari kun....though it looks really big....? -Risu

1 comment:

  1. That picture is sooooo cute!...chocolate chip..oishisou!
