Monday 19 April 2010

Translations: C-ute's 15th Blog Entry


    ℃-ute 公式ブログ/千聖だゅ←みてネ 画像1
皆さん こんばんは(^-^*)/

コメント皆さんありがとうございますううう( ̄∀ ̄)絵文字

千聖は 先日だったのですが、ソロイベントって、かなり緊張するんですよお(°□°
だけど、握手会の時に(感動したよ)って沢山の方が言っ てくれたので、うれしかっ

昨日びっくりした事なん ですけど(`ーдー´)
弟の方が足が 速くなってたのでびっくりしましたぁ(゜3・ノノ



Chisato dayu <3 <- Take a look ^
Everyone, Good evening (^-^*)/
I look forward to updates
everyday ('-'*) <3

For the people who comment, thank youuuuuu ( ̄∀ ̄)
By the way, Today is Nakki's solo event isn't it? (☆o☆)
The other day, Chisato did her solo event, 
I was extremely nervous!! (°□°;) 
However, at the time of the handshake event (I was very moved!), I was given a lot of
of encouragements and so, I was happy VヮV

Yesterday I was quite worried however (`ーдー´)
I played tag at the park <-How old am Iiiiiiii!?
*laughs* We played tag for a wonderfully long time
 My little brother was fast and so I was supriseeed! (゜3・ノノ
I also completed my homework properly. (°□°;) 

The picture is of Asuna with a peace sign ^
As for yesterday's picture, it seems Asuna won't notice there are a lot of pictures of her *laughs* Ohwell, here's one more <3

Bye-chako <3
Come visit tommorow~ (照〃ω〃)
Oh dear! Sorry, I'm kinda struggling to translate today's posts. For some reason today, they've decided to speak more slang/make up little phrases and I'm just confused in general...I have my japanese orals tommorow so this will at least help still! Oh and hahha I got really confused about Asuna's name. I was thinking... Ashita Sai!? Tommorow's greens?/vegetables??.... that can't make sense.. so I thought Oh maybe it's a name.. and I managed to read "Asu" at least but still looked up "na". -Risu 8/TEN -(for being cute but my showing how my translation skills are still quite bad!)
p.s I love Chisa's emoticons haha
Usaa ♥ ~Aww she and her sister sure is close ne? Wow Asuna looks more grown up, I don't see much of her except some H!P Egg pics, but yeah she looks older now xD 9/10

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