Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Translations: Otakebi Boy WAO PV Making- Momoko and Chinami

(5:08 onwards~)

Chinami: This person right, really, really, I see her do this *action* she strikes this pose *poses*
Momoko: Happy Lavvy
Chinami: *whispers* She can't be hot
Momoko: What?... *sadface* She's mean...
Chinami: You can't be a cute girl *burikko ok?
Momoko: It can't be helped if I'm more cute right?
Chinami: **Uza!   Ahahahah!~
Momoko: .... It's important to a woman, it's important to a woman (or the sun of a woman's heart?) *laughs* ;P!! *walks away*
Chinami: She ran away >:) Hehe

I'm a little scared to put up the video to be honest! But... I guess it'll be easier for you to see. This making was really funny with Kumai losing her gloves and all and erm...Chii's laugh! But I knew Chii was making fun of Momoko in a horrible way! So I didn't laugh too much!! Poor Momoko. Sorry I'm not very good at translating by ear...or by reading in that case either haha... But I think Chii was critisizing Momoko for trying to act cute or something.

Notes*: A Burikko is a term for someone or a girl, who tries to act cute all the time to appeal to men. Someone like ... what's her face >:(
** I wasn't really sure how to explain UZA! It's kind of got the meanings of: Unpleasant.
But it's also slang and it's very rude, kind of like a way to say Shut up! or Disgusting! Or something... That's what I can assume anyway. I also had to listen to what Momoko said maaany times about her being... "motto kawaii mou shikatanai janai..." Something like that! And then she also says: Otona no taiyou!

Anyways... Poor Momoko! I love Chii! But...she's too mean to Momoko these days! Innocent my ass Maimi! <3 9/TEN -Risu

Usaa ^v^ ~Chiii~ I don't think she's purposely, or really horrible mean to Momo, but I guess she does say stuff to her. 10/10 for making of^^


  1. poor momo, but momo without narcissism isn't momo right :)
    but i'm sure chi doesn't mean to be rude to momo she just probably teasing her.
    thanks so much for translate this scene.

  2. No problem! And yes Momo is only Momo if she believes she's cute hehe! Mmm Chi always teases Momo and so does Miya...but then Momo teases them back so it's quite cute hehe -Risu

  3. I personally.... Don't think that what Chii said to Momo is funny at all(sounds like she's really trying to insult her)... This only makes me believe even more those rumours about Chinami not liking Momo too well because of how she acts on TV...

    But none-the-less thank you for translating this! :)
    I hope you won't mind me using your translation to sub that part of the video(don't worry I will credit you ^^)!! :)

  4. No problem and yeah I guess we all interperet things differently anyway but I'm sure they do get along still either way :3 -Risu

  5. Chi dropped very low in my favorites list after this. Her teasing was really harsh. I've seen the girls tease each other, but this sounded really personal and made her look really bad.
