Thursday 22 April 2010

Translations: C-ute's 29th Blog Entry


    ℃-ute 公式ブログ/きゃは千聖だよ 画像1

皆 さんこんばんは('-'*)絵文字

雨降ってたのはリーダーの矢島舞 美ちゃんが、雨女のせい絵文字ですよ多分(笑)

今日、千聖.舞美.なっきぃ -の3人で、お仕事前にお買い物に行きました絵文字

舞美ちゃんもなっきぃ- もお買い物長くて…
女 の子はお買い物が長いのはしゃーないよね(ー∀ー絵文字

ちなみに千聖は、すぐに お買い物が終りました絵文字
んまぁ、楽しかった です絵文字

そして皆さんお待ちかねの今日のスペシャルゲ スト絵文字




Kyaha <3 It's Chisato!

Good evening everyone ('-'*) <3
Today was EXTREMELY cold wasn't it *sweatdrops*  And then it rained hard >_<

Erm~ I really want to apologize for...
it to be raining because of Leader-Yajima Maimi-chan, rain woman's fault!? (Ame onna)
 It is! probably *laughs*

Today, before work, the three of us- Chisato, Maimi, Nakkii, went shopping <3

Maimi-chan and Nakki took long shopping...
in the space of time whilst they were shopping, I left to another shop and ate a crepe,  by myself I went to go to another shop *laughs*
Aren't girls just the champions at taking long at shopping (ー∀ー

By the way, I finished my shopping immediately *sweatdrops* 
even though I'm a girl too *laughs*
mm oh well, it was fun <3

And everyone's been waiting haven't you, for today's special guest ^

She's from Berryz Koubou <3 <3 <3
She really is cute isn't she VヮV ^
Tsugunaga Momoko-chan *** 

Look forward to tomorow too ok? <3
Baicha~ko <3


As soon as I saw the picture I went... MOMOKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then only realising whilst translating, Momoko was her special guest!... xD Her special person!!!<33 Momoko and Chisato!! Ahhh! For some reason I feel like I havn't seen Momoko in ages! Very very cute picture of them! And Chisa! It's fine if you're not girly girly either hehe. I don't really believe Momoko would be completley either! 10/TEN -Risu

Usaa^v^ ~ awww Momoko is her special guest! 10/10 just for that!

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